Belfast School Of Theology
Three New Centres
Centre for
Theological Education
This is expressed in the following purpose statement:
“To equip followers of Jesus for missional impact through theological education and spiritual development within a vibrant academic and worshipping community.”
Everything we do at BST will have ‘missional impact’.
Missional Impact has four standards:
Authoritative articulation of Christian doctrine;
Effective communication of the gospel in context;
Relevant application of Christian principles to contemporary issues in society;
Empowerment to spiritual maturity.
Centres to support Theological Education
We will seek to achieve its vision for theological education by building three strong and mutually supportive centres:
Centre for Theological Education
Centre for Christian Spiritual Theology
Centre for Apologetics and Applied Theology
The International Council for Evangelical Theological Education (ICETE) explains in its Manifest II:“Theological Education (TE) is called and committed to delivering educational programmes that are ‘fit for purpose’ by serving God’s mission – mission Dei.”
As a College, BST is committed to excellence in Theological Education. This requires a strong suit of standards, processes and research outputs and targets which are transferrable across the three centres.
Please read our latest QQA report.
Education for all
Theological Education is for every member of the Church. All Christians need intellectual and spiritual formation just as the spiritual gifts they possess require honing to create maximum impact on Church and society. BST is committed to providing T.E. for everyone! lomas are extremely worthwhile for one year of study
Centre for
Spiritual Theology
Evangelical Theology is inseparable from spiritual formation and experience.
Definition of Christian Spiritual Theology
Christian Spiritual Theology is that branch of theology that covers spiritual growth, life and community. Built upon the sturdy doctrinal outcomes of Systematic Theology, Spiritual Theology seeks to combine Christian truths with practical living: how can a person live for God, grow in his or her knowledge of God, and participate in the Christian story of grace? The question, ‘how do I live my life for God?’ is as important a question today as it was at the emergence of evangelicalism. The Centre for Christian Spiritual Theology is motivated to see all Christians thrive in their relationship with God.
A Place of Presence
BST will become known as a place where God is ‘near’ (Mark 1.15), and a venue for spiritual formation, prayer and retreat. Christians from all denominations are welcome to spend time in prayer, learning and development through conferences, courses and retreats.
Chapel Livestream 2024!
From September 2024, chapel services will be livestreamed. International students and alumni as well as local graduates and supporters will have opportunity to engage in worship, community and prayer weekly on Tuesdays, 12.10- 1pm.
House of Prayer
We desire to be a community of prayer (both intercession and ministry). It makes perfect sense for BST to be a spiritual hub and beacon in 21st century Ireland (North, South, East and West). The College is inspired by the outpouring of God’s Spirit in Asbury College in the US. In September 2024, House of Prayer meets for praise, prayer and ministry on Tuesdays at 6.45pm – 7.30pm. Light meals will be available from 6.00pm.
Validated Courses
The Centre for Christian Spiritual Theology requires a journey of development and practice.
Catalyst Courses
Our Catalyst programme is already providing Christian Spirituality courses, e.g. courses on C.S. Lewis, the Bible, prayer and revival theology. More courses are planned for September 2024.
Where possible, the College will continue to work with specialist partners in select and bespoke areas of spiritual practice.
Centre for
Apologetics & Public Theology
The International Council of Evangelical Theological Education’s Manifesto II (published in 2022) advises theological educators to make three strong commitments in terms of a college’s influence and voice in society:
i) to engage in Public Theology
ii) to engage in Applied Theology
iii) to engage in Apologetics.
Apologetics is that branch of Christian theology which gives a defence (apologia) for the Christian worldview in the context of a plurality of worldviews, whereas Public Theology seeks to address ‘problems’ held in common with other worldviews (e.g., climate change, the economy) from a distinctly Christian perspective. If the first is defending the truth, the second seeks to bring flourishment to the world through the truth. Applied Theology (for simplicity this is included under the banner of ‘Apologetics’), by contrast, relates to equipping Christians for working and serving in the world, for example, in business, education and industry. The Board is working hard to establish this centre as a priority.
The centre will be BST’s future academic specialism, covering a wide variety of church needs (both local and global).
These include:
• To address the issues facing Christians and churches and build confidence in the authority of Scripture.
• To engage with issues across denominations in an increasingly pluralistic marketplace of ideas and culture.
• To work for the good of society, contributing to the peace and welfare of society.
BST is currently working with national partners to help build the centre. News of new partnerships will follow shortly.
Honorary Chair in Apologetics: A New Three – Year Research Post
BST is creating an exciting new opportunity for a seasoned academic to take a lead in research, teaching and societal engagement. The Board is seeking three years’ funding for this position.